Covid Fatwa (MJC)

Covid Fatwa (MJC)
Invalid Fatwa by the MJC based on evidence


The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge

The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge
“The man in the quest of true knowledge is sharper than a sword and wiser than the pen that holds sacred the ink that flows from it” Whalid Safodien

Friday 21 June 2024

The Almighty is All Knowing All Seeing Love for Palestine

 The Almighty is All Knowing All Seeing Love for Palestine

"Our minds are the jewels that reflect the brilliance of our souls, and our hearts are the seats of life that beat with the rhythm of righteousness. Let us hold firmly to the rope of divine guidance, united in our quest for justice and compassion. May we remember the favors of our collective humanity, when we were once strangers and became brothers and sisters, saved from the brink of destruction by the grace of our shared values. As we navigate the complexities of life, let us embrace our diversity and celebrate our unique experiences, for it is in our differences that we find the beauty of our shared humanity. And let us strive to be the noblest version of ourselves, guided by the light of wisdom and the power of our collective righteousness, for it is in the sight of the All-Knowing, All-Aware that our true worth is measured." 

- Whalid Safodien  

The Feather Pen

Tuesday 18 June 2024

The sweet acknowledgement, secret of the bee

 The sweet acknowledgement, secret of the bee

"Within the depths of our souls, a hidden truth resides, an error that whispers our name, a flaw that beckons us to rise. Embrace it, acknowledge its presence, and let transformation's sweet nectar flow, for it is sweeter than the honey that drips from the bee's hive, and more precious than the secrets it keeps. For in the acknowledgment of our errors, lies the power to rewrite our stories, and resurrect our truest selves."

-Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

The empty oak barrel

 "Beware of the pretenders of wisdom, who don the cloak of scholarship, yet possess nothing but the hollow wisdom of an oak barrel - all surface and no substance. Their words may sound profound, but like the barrel, their wisdom is limited to the depth of their own emptiness."

- Whalid Safodien 

The Feather Pen

Stagnant Reeds in The Wind

 Stagnant Reeds in The Wind

"A mind devoid of critical thought is like a reed, aimlessly oscillating in the breeze, stuck in stagnation. Instead of seeking guidance from the winds of wisdom and the weather of experience, it idly waits for the rains of knowledge to quench its thirst, never realizing its own potential for growth and understanding. May we strive to be the masters of our minds, rather than mere reeds at the mercy of the winds."

- Whalid Safodien 


     The feather pen

The Misguided Scholar

 The Misguided Scholar 

"The scholar who has strayed from the path of wisdom is like a vessel with a narrow neck, unable to hold the vastness of knowledge. His mind, constricted by ignorance and arrogance, has ample room for folly, but none for discernment. Observe how his actions betray his superficial understanding, like a reflection in a mirror, revealing the emptiness within. Alas, his heart is veiled from the light of wisdom, and his intellect is shackled by the chains of his own ego."

— Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Lion Wisdom

 Lion Wisdom

"The majestic lion, king of the jungle, does not indulge in frivolous conversations with the cunning hyena, for he knows that wisdom is wasted on one who revels in his own ignorance. The lion's roar is a call to truth, while the hyena's laughter is a echo of his own folly. Let the hyena prance and mock, for the lion knows that his strength lies not in words, but in the power of his convictions."

— Whalid Safodien

The Fearless Eagle and the Limitations of a Pigeon


The Fearless Eagle and the Limitations of a Pigeon

"The wise man's words are like a garden, blooming with wisdom, but the foolish scholar's insults are like a whirlwind, uprooting only his own dignity. Let him remember, an eagle soars alone, and a pigeon's attempts to fly with him only reveal his own limitations."

— Whalid Safodien

Tuesday 30 April 2024

The KhoiSan Constitution


The KhoiSan Constitution

By Whalid Safodien


We, the KhoiSan people of South Africa, descendants of the original inhabitants of this land, guided by the wisdom of our ancestors, the teachings of the Quran, Hadith, and Bible, and inspired by our rich cultural heritage, come together to establish this Constitution. We recognize the diversity of our traditions and the universal values of humanity, justice, and compassion.

Article 1: Recognition of KhoiSan Identity

We affirm our KhoiSan identity, rooted in our history, language, culture, and traditions. We honor our ancestors and the land that has nurtured us for centuries.

Article 2: Human Dignity and Equality

All KhoiSan people are born free and equal, with inherent dignity and worth. We recognize the equal value of every human life, regardless of gender, age, or ability. (Quran 4:1, Bible - Leviticus 19:18)

Article 3: Justice and Fairness

We strive for justice and fairness in all aspects of life, guided by the principles of compassion, empathy, and wisdom. We seek to resolve conflicts through peaceful means, as taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him). (Quran 5:8, Hadith - Bukhari)

Article 4: Cultural Heritage

We cherish our diverse cultural heritage, including our languages, customs, and traditions. We recognize the importance of preserving our history and passing it on to future generations.

Article 5: Land and Resources

We acknowledge our ancestral connection to the land and its resources. We seek to manage and utilize them sustainably, ensuring equal access and benefit for all KhoiSan people. (Bible - Genesis 1:26-31)

Article 6: Education and Knowledge

We value knowledge and education, recognizing their power to empower and uplift our people. We strive to preserve our traditional knowledge and skills, while embracing modern education and innovation.

Article 7: Leadership and Governance

We establish a leadership and governance structure that reflects our values of justice, equality, and compassion. Our leaders shall serve with integrity, wisdom, and accountability.

Article 8: Spiritual Guidance

We draw spiritual guidance from the Quran, Hadith, and Bible, recognizing the universal values and principles they contain. We respect and celebrate our diverse spiritual beliefs and practices.

Article 9: International Relations

We engage with other nations and peoples in a spirit of friendship, cooperation, and mutual respect, recognizing our shared humanity and common goals.

Article 10: Review and Amendment

This Constitution shall be reviewed and amended as needed, ensuring that it remains a living document, reflecting the evolving needs and aspirations of the KhoiSan.


The KhoiSan People of South Africa


30 April 2024

May this Constitution be a beacon of hope and unity for the KhoiSan people, guiding us towards a brighter future, rooted in our rich heritage and universal values.

Monday 29 April 2024

The Universal Constitution of Mankind


The Universal Constitution of Mankind

An Invitation To World Peace Justice and Equality

By Whalid Safodien


In the name of the Almighty, the Most Merciful, and the Most Compassionate, we, the people of the world, come together to establish this Constitution, guided by the wisdom of all faiths and cultures. We draw inspiration from the following scriptures and teachings:

The Bible (Genesis 1:26-31, Isaiah 2:4, Matthew 22 be:37-40)

The Quran (4:1, 5:8, 49:13)

The Torah (Leviticus 19:18, Deuteronomy 10:19)

The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 5, Verse 18)

The teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) (Bukhari, Muslim)

The wisdom of indigenous cultures and traditions (e.g., the Seven Generations principle of the Native American Indians)

Article 1: Justice and Equality

All human beings are born free and equal, entitled to dignity and respect, regardless of race, gender, religion, or nationality. Justice shall be upheld, and equality shall be ensured, for all individuals, without discrimination or prejudice. (Quran 4:1, Bible - Leviticus 19:18)

Article 2: Peace and Harmony

We recognize the diversity of tribes and nations as a blessing, allowing us to learn from and appreciate one another. We strive for peace and harmony, resolving conflicts through dialogue and understanding, as exemplified by the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him): "A merciful person is merciful to all creatures" (Bukhari).

Article 3: Divine Laws and Islamic Principles

We acknowledge the divine laws of Allah, as revealed in the Quran, and the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him), which emphasize compassion, justice, and wisdom. Islam is a religion of peace, and its principles shall guide us in promoting understanding and cooperation among nations. (Quran 5:8, 49:13)

Article 4: Global Economics and Unity

We seek to establish a global economic system based on fairness, mutual benefit, and sustainability, ensuring equal opportunities for all nations and peoples. We recognize the interconnectedness of our world and strive for unity, as expressed by the South American Indians: "The Earth does not belong to us; we belong to the Earth."

Article 5: Peace in the Middle East

We acknowledge the sacred nature of the Middle East, a land blessed by divine revelation, and commit to resolving conflicts through peaceful means, recognizing the rights and dignity of all nations and peoples in the region. (Quran 2:143, Bible - Isaiah 2:4)

Article 6: Indigenous Peoples and Cultural Heritage

We honor the indigenous peoples of the world, from whom we have inherited rich cultural and spiritual traditions. We recognize their rights, dignity, and contributions, and commit to preserving their heritage and knowledge for future generations.

Article 7: Love and Humanity

In conclusion, we affirm our commitment to love, compassion, and humanity, as the foundation of our shared existence. We strive to create a world where all people can live in peace, dignity, and harmony, as one human family, under the guidance of the Almighty. (Bible - Matthew 22:37-40, Quran 4:1)


The People of the World


April 28, 2024

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Arrogance and Wisdom

Arrogance and Wisdom "Arrogance and Wisdom must never live under the same skies" Whalid Safodien The Feather Pen

Monday 7 August 2023

Clay and Sweat

"Capital the clay, sweat your water work a business model to its own perfection"

Whalid Safodien

Sunday 6 August 2023

Rich and Wealthy

To be wealthy is the discipline to be truly rich

      Being rich does not  mean you can maintain the discipline

Whalid Safodien

Sunday 16 July 2023

The true eye

"The true eyes of man are knowledge, wisdom and reason and only then he sees."

-Whalid Safodien

Monday 17 April 2023

The Glorious and Noble Quran

 The Glorious and Noble Quran

Only the Quran is the light in the darkness, when humanity cannot see its own shadow, the manifestation of which the almighty takes the responsibility to make it clear is a miraculous gift for humanity to see its own shadow in the darkest of nights.

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Friday 4 November 2022

The Houses of God and the Romancing Souls

 The Houses of God and the Romancing Souls

“Those who creates the rules must never betray it, in this game of chance the Houses of God  is the Odds against them and it “

-Whalid Safodien

To Ponder


Wednesday 15 June 2022

Acquisition and pursuit of true knowledge

 Acquisition and pursuit of true knowledge

“The acquisition and pursuit of true knowledge is best understood through the eyes of the heart and a just mind by understanding the divine laws of God”

-Whalid Safodien

Sunday 8 May 2022

Saturday 7 May 2022

 In pursuit of knowledge

"Never judge a man when he leaves, judge him by what he leaves behind"

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Friday 7 January 2022

 The Glorious and Noble Quran

The Message of the Quran is the Pen the Wisdom the Heart the Quran the Purified Scroll and the Messenger the Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blessings be upon Him.

Whalid Safodien

The feather pen.

Monday 20 December 2021

 Wisdom of the camel.

The human mind and the interpretation of the Noble Quran is not possible in its lifetime.

We need an algorithm to interpret for the sake of all humanity.

Part of the human nature is to self destruct and the latter to construct.

The narrative of the third is best conceived by an algorithm that neither defends or offends anyone.

Whalid Safodien 

The feather pen.

Sunday 19 December 2021

The Mean.

Static energy is more intelligent than aggressive energy it thinks on the level of the mean and persuades our thinking towards the average or the middle path.

It persuades and paralyses aggressive energy from all sides.

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen.

Sunday 14 November 2021

 The Middle Path.

“Everything in the universe is created with extreme ends take the middle path”

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Sunday 19 September 2021

 The Broken System.

You do not need money to own the system all you need is knowledge and access to control it.

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen.

Tuesday 17 August 2021

KhoiSan People of the two Seas.

They came across the oceans where we danced in dust and green fields. They changed our colour and took our lands and turned us into slaves but they could never take our hearts and our blood and the earth that carries our scent.

The wind still blows and whisper in our Hearts between the junction of two seas that holds our memories sacred for every season whilst mountains stands firm with our paintings of the past and calls out to remind us of our history and our rights and our nation with the same hearts and blood.

We are all one

We are all one 

We are all one 

With many nations in our blood with the same hearts where the earth holds sacred our scent  between the junctions of two seas.

We are the people who carry the scent of the earth and the memories on rocks where winds with the seas and mountains bare witness of our creed.

We are all one 

We are all one 

We are all one

Who learnt to follow the creed of Abraham.

We are Moslem, Christian and Jew mixed with blood of many tribes and nations.

They have change our colour mixed our blood and will never change our hearts and the colour of our blood.

We are the KhoiSan.

Whalid Safodien

The Feather pen.

Sunday 15 August 2021


The one who is blind read what it feels.

The one who is deaf reads the signs it can see.

The unlettered recalls what is read to him. 

The germ cell reads what it desires by instinct.

Read understands Read only those without knowledge will not understand it.

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Sunday 14 March 2021


“If human beings cannot fight justice firstly against themselves they fertilise the seed of ignorance within their hearts, as the seed grows the stem becomes the strength of their arrogance and the frond that influences the scent of the blossom is nothing more than a distorted odour without benefit for those who have an acquired taste for true justice and piety in their hearts, it’s best to remove the complete root instead of keeping it in an environment that imprisons the truth and hurts the compassionate floweret that bear the fruits of true and beneficial knowledge that is essential for the well being and efficacious growth for humanity uninjured”

Whalid Safodien

The feather Pen

Friday 5 March 2021

The Invisible Face of Light.

"The man who use his Wisdom, Knowledge and his absolute faith in his CREATOR is his armour against the injustice of the INFIDEL"

Whalid Safodien  

The Feather Pen


Monday 22 February 2021


Unruly psychology

“Beware of the use of unruly psychology it destroys you first and then affects humanity it is the leading cause of the destruction of the innocent and the weak it becomes the seed of a psychologically displaced people and a war that cannot be won by those who uses it or promotes it”


Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

The most influential step in history.                                                                                                  

“One of the greatest steps ever taken in recorded history was not that of the moon but the 1st step taken by the Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blessings be upon him on the 1st day of the Hijra in the middle of a desert, it became the greatest and most influential step in recorded history to benefit humanity, it also laid the foundation of all academic knowledge we still use in the modern world today”

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen





Thursday 10 December 2020

Time of the Fastest Hours.

 Time Of The Fastest Hours.

“The fastest hours that will reach man is the hour after sunset on a Thursday and the hour before sunrise on a Friday be mindful of these hours”

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Tuesday 8 December 2020

The Beautiful The Poem.

The Beautiful (The Poem) 

When the first bird whistle and the Earth rising to the coming day of light.

The rising is a reminder to humanity and all things created that a new ship

is arriving bringing glad tidings to all things living and dead

filled with knowledge, pain and love but most of all it is the air we realise we breathe that fills our day

How great is Allah ( God) for his mercy.

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Saturday 5 December 2020

Psychologically Displaced Leaders

"We cannot follow the lead of men who are ruled by worldly desires and unruly psychology who falsely speaks in the name of justice and delay processes of human development for the sake of profit against a people or nation who searches for a better life, we must be conscious of these men who use tactics in this regard. We must be forever mindful of these men who are psychologically displaced using the innocent as soft targets to promote an agenda that does not benefit mankind as a whole. The Earth is big and so is the land that serves us unconditionally a loan to humanity from God so that mankind may feed themselves from trees that hold the fruits before it falls to the ground and the sea rich with surprises until the day all things is embraced by the Earth like all things that was created.

God created all of mankind for a purpose and divided them into various tribes and nations so that we may recognise each other and compete in good things so that our future generations can be the fruits of our seeds that are born with qualities that understands the meaning of sublimation by living in a world of forgiveness and not in a world of a psychotically displaced mind"

United South Africa.

Whalid Safodien

The Feather pen

Thursday 26 November 2020

Philosophy of the Lion

Know your strengths and have no fear.

Philosophy of the Lion.

“A Lion does not get trained by a hyena or a fool nor does he go to supper with a vulture for a rotten meal, they walk with ease among the enemy, they stay focused on the hunt fresh from the Earth and do not waste time listening to wild Barking Dogs in a pack. The challengers will know who is King of the jungle after they got bitten”

Whalid Safodien 

The Feather Pen

Friday 20 November 2020

Welcome the storms and challenges in life.

Welcome the storms and challenges in life.

“great explorers never lose focus of the stars ,the currents in rough seas and the secrets of different kinds of winds they navigate
by the will of  the creator who has created them and the challenges they face at sea until they reach the final destination with a relieved and successful anchor”

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Monday 12 October 2020

The Wisdom of charity

 “A man cannot be fed with words if his stomach is empty nor his thirst quenched when his throat is dry until you  you fill his stomach and quench his thirst than learn to understand him on a deep, emotional and psychological level it takes wisdom to understand a true and sincere charity ask him about his condition let him follow you, let him rise and let him follow you than give not only from your POCKET but also from your HEART so that he feels your generosity and his worth than grant him the charity of the  MIND upon which the JEWEL Rests as his tears flow of joy only than you will  see the Shining JEWEL within through the eyes of another as you give unconditionally”

Whalid Safodien 

The Feather Pen

The Almighty is All Knowing All Seeing Love for Palestine

 The Almighty is All Knowing All Seeing Love for Palestine "Our minds are the jewels that reflect the brilliance of our souls, and our ...