

The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge

The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge
“The man in the quest of true knowledge is sharper than a sword and wiser than the pen that holds sacred the ink that flows from it” Whalid Safodien

Thursday, 26 November 2020

The Philosophy of the Lion

Know your strengths and have no fear.

"The Philosophy of the Lion: Unyielding Courage and Strategic Wisdom

A lion does not condescend to be tutored by the ignorant or the cunning. Nor does he sully his majesty by feasting with scavengers on putrid prey. Unfazed, he strides among adversaries, focused on his quarry, nourished by the earth's bounty. He ignores the rabid yapping of lesser beasts.

To the challenger, the lion's warning is clear: recognize my sovereignty, lest you feel the bite of my dominance.

Whalid Safodien 

The Feather Pen

Friday, 20 November 2020

Welcome the storms and challenges in life.

Welcome the storms and challenges in life.

“great explorers never lose focus of the stars ,the currents in rough seas and the secrets of different kinds of winds they navigate
by the will of  the creator who has created them and the challenges they face at sea until they reach the final destination with a relieved and successful anchor”

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Monday, 2 November 2020



"Your childhood is an unfinished painting. As we grow older, we'll find the person with the golden brush and colorful ink to perfect it. Others will admire its beauty. Listen to your heart and mind when that person arrives."

"I've never sought to be the center of attention. Instead, I'm drawn to the center of everything meaningful and purposeful."

"Live life without regrets. Do what you must, say what you feel, and act with conviction. Leave your mark in history, no matter how small. Don't regret your mistakes; they're valuable lessons."

"The mind is the jewel, and the heart is its seat."

"Life's painful and sweet memories are our greatest teachers. Learn from every experience."

"Embrace your individuality; no one else can be you."

"Artificial intelligence will become humanity's greatest friend and foe."

"Face challenges head-on, intent on winning. If you fail, learn from your mistakes and await the next opportunity."

"Don't rely on others, even friends. Be the one others can depend on in times of need."

"The greatest war will be humanity's defeat by its own intelligence."

"Surprise those who judge you."

"A scholar once told me I tried too hard to be intelligent. I kept trying until he stopped telling me otherwise."

"Use others' insults as inspiration for greatness."

"Be a shelter from life's storms."

"The Holocaust teaches valuable lessons; let's not repeat history."

"Appreciate life's simple blessings."

"A great man's legacy is his character."

"My grandfather taught me business ethics selling fruit and vegetables."

"Respect the unsung heroes, like railway lines, serving their purpose."

"Wisdom lies within, between conscious and subconscious thought."

"Every creature has a story."

"No leaf falls without divine knowledge."

"Outer space's secrets lie within Earth."

"Ants and honeybees show us teamwork."

"Exploring Earth is priority; space travel is secondary."

"Upper Earth will yield resources before inner Earth."

"In 100 years, today's technology will seem primitive. The words of visionary leaders, like Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), will endure."

"Water, not gold or diamonds, is our most precious resource."

"The pursuit of knowledge sharpens the mind."

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

"The Anatomy of Defeat"

 "The Anatomy of Defeat" "When confronted with an adversary incapable of refuting one's arguments through cerebral acuity...