Covid Fatwa (MJC)

Covid Fatwa (MJC)
Invalid Fatwa by the MJC based on evidence


The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge

The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge
“The man in the quest of true knowledge is sharper than a sword and wiser than the pen that holds sacred the ink that flows from it” Whalid Safodien

Saturday 24 August 2024

Embracing the Polymath Within

 Embracing the Polymath Within

"When Allah bestows the gift of knowledge and wisdom upon an individual, He chooses whom He wills to become a polymath - a master of multiple disciplines, a weaver of diverse fields, and a bridge between seemingly disparate worlds. For in the realm of polymathy, the boundaries of expertise are but a canvas, waiting to be painted with the vibrant colors of curiosity, innovation, and creativity. And so, let us embrace the polymathic spirit, that we may unlock the secrets of the universe, and reflect the divine light of knowledge in all its facets."

وليد بن محمد

Whalid ibn Muhammad

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Friday 23 August 2024

The True Measure of Wealth


The True Measure of Wealth

"Do not be ensnared by the fleeting allure of wealth, for not all of us are destined to swim in its abundance. Yet, we are all endowed with the gift of intellect, the capacity to think, to feel, and to create. Let us not forget that true wealth lies not in the riches we accumulate, but in the knowledge we leave behind. For when we take our last breath, our wealth will be but a distant memory, while our knowledge will continue to inspire and uplift generations to come. Knowledge is the only currency that appreciates in value over time, and it is the only legacy that truly matters. So let us invest in the wisdom that will outlast us, and leave behind a trail of insight that will illuminate the path for those who follow."

وليد بن محمد

Whalid ibn Muhammad

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Breaking Free From Ignorance

 Breaking Free From Ignorance 

"The enemy's strength is not in his arsenal, but in our own ignorance. His power is built on the foundations of our complacency, forged in the depths of our consumption and distraction. But we possess a weapon far more potent - the intellect. With knowledge and awareness, we can shatter the illusions of his superiority, rendering his weapons useless.

Let us not be seduced by the fleeting allure of worldly gains, for it is in the depths of our conscience and wellbeing that our true power resides. By harnessing this inner strength, we can defeat even the most formidable foes, and emerge victorious in the battle for our souls.

It is time to unshackle our minds, to break free from the chains of ignorance and complacency. It is time to reclaim our power, to harness the intellect and emerge victorious in the battle for our very existence."

وليد بن محمد

Whalid ibn Muhammad

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Rising to Greatness: A Novice's Journey

 Rising to Greatness: A Novice's Journey

"A novice's journey begins with humble steps, but with dedication to the principles and rules of the game, they can ascend to greatness. For it is not the starting point that defines one's potential, but the willingness to learn, adapt, and persevere that ultimately leads to mastery."

وليد بن محمد

Whalid ibn Muhammad

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

"The Mind is The Jewel and the Heart is the Seat of the Jewel"


"The Mind is The Jewel and the Heart is the Seat of the Jewel"

1. Emotional Intelligence: The heart (emotions) supports and balances the mind (intellect), allowing for wise decision-making and compassionate thinking.

2. Inner Wisdom: The mind (jewel) is guided by the heart's intuition, leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world.

3. Holistic Harmony: The union of mind and heart represents a balanced and integrated individual, where thoughts and emotions work together in harmony.

وليد بن محمد

Whalid ibn Muhammad

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

The Garden of Knowledge

 The Garden of Knowledge

"The ink of a scholar's pen is only as mighty as the humility in their heart. When knowledge is shrouded in arrogance and fear, it withers like a garden without rain. The highest-ranking scholars of Deen have never forgotten that true authority is not claimed, but earned through the courage to admit mistakes, the humility to learn, and the wisdom to guide. Let us not confuse titles with true scholarship, lest we forget the very purpose of seeking knowledge: to serve and uplift, not to dominate and deceive."

وليد بن محمد

Whalid ibn Muhammad

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

The Eyes of Innocence: Bearing Witness to History

 "The eyes of the innocent bear witness to the tears of history,

Every child who falls, a dream shattered, yet hope still whispers,

'One day, I will rewrite the narrative of my people's pain,

And justice will dawn, like a sunrise after the darkest rain.'

Since the ink of Balfour's promise and the caliphate's demise,

Humanity's conscience has been seared, our hearts compromised.

Let us recall the triad of truth: compassion, justice, and humility,

The pillars that hold aloft the canopy of our shared humanity.

Teach your children that Palestine's struggle is a testament to resilience,

A cry for freedom that echoes through the chambers of existence.

Al-Aqsa's sanctity, held captive by the chains of oppression,

Zionism's ideology, a threat to peace, a cancer that must be addressed.

The resistance, a noble pursuit, a beacon of hope in the darkness,

A reminder that true sovereignty belongs to the people, and justice is their birthright.

Let us not forget, the truth is the compass that guides us,

Acknowledging it, the first step towards a world where love and justice reign."

وليد بن محمد

Whalid ibn Muhammad

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

The Eloquent Tongue: A Sacred Trust

 The Eloquent Tongue: A Sacred Trust "The Almighty bestowed upon humanity the gift of the pen, that our thoughts may flow like rivers, ...