

The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge

The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge
“The man in the quest of true knowledge is sharper than a sword and wiser than the pen that holds sacred the ink that flows from it” Whalid Safodien

Friday, 26 July 2024

Rise of BRICS


Rise of BRICS

"The global economy, a majestic beast with tentacles of trade and finance, has awakened from its slumber, as the BRICS nations stir, like a chorus of giants, challenging the hegemony of the Western world. The winds of change whisper secrets of a new era, where cooperation and competition entwine like the tender shoots of a vine, promising a future where the sun rises on a more equitable world, and the shadows of power are cast aside, like the worn pages of a forgotten book."

-Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

26 July 2024

"When Time Stands Still: The Eternal Whisper of Allah's Will" Eid-ul-Adha is with Makkah

  "When Time Stands Still: The Eternal Whisper of Allah's Will" "As the seconds tick by, the minutes pass, and the hours ...