Covid Fatwa (MJC)

Covid Fatwa (MJC)
Invalid Fatwa by the MJC based on evidence


The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge

The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge
“The man in the quest of true knowledge is sharper than a sword and wiser than the pen that holds sacred the ink that flows from it” Whalid Safodien

Tuesday 24 September 2024

The Eloquent Tongue: A Sacred Trust

 The Eloquent Tongue: A Sacred Trust

"The Almighty bestowed upon humanity the gift of the pen, that our thoughts may flow like rivers, and our words, like blossoms, may bloom with elegance. Yet, let us not forget the sacred origin of our eloquence – the tender tongues of our mothers and fathers, who first taught us to speak.

As we wield the power of language, let us remember the fragile hearts that nurtured our voices. Our parents, now gray and wise, once whispered sweet nothings into our ears, guiding us through life's labyrinth.

Let us honor their legacy with gentle words, soft as summer breezes. For as they age, their hearts become vulnerable to the sharp edges of our tongues. Let us temper our eloquence with compassion, lest we wound the ones who first taught us to speak.

Respect for our parents is the cornerstone of wisdom, the seat of love. It is the unwritten scripture that echoes through generations, reminding us that our words have the power to heal or harm.

May our tongues be instruments of kindness,

May our words be bouquets of gratitude,

May our eloquence be a sanctuary for the fragile hearts that nurtured us,

And may our respect for our parents be the unwavering foundation of our wisdom."

- Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Monday 23 September 2024

"The Visionary's Call"

 "The Visionary's Call"

"The future of a nation is crafted in the classrooms of today."

-Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

The Unveiled Soul: A Journey of Purpose

 The Unveiled Soul: A Journey of Purpose

"A soul afire with focus, transcends the fleeting allure of the material realm. With unwavering faith, it strives towards the essence of existence. Unpredictable, yet unbound by the constraints of flesh and time.

Age holds no significance, for its purpose is timeless. This soul's quest is to elevate humanity's collective conscience. The knowledge it garners is a divine gift, bestowed upon it by the Almighty.

The true teacher is the universe itself, guiding this soul towards enlightenment. Its curriculum is the intricacies of creation, unfolding the mysteries of existence.

No institution, no matter how revered, can contain the depth of its understanding. For this soul's wisdom stems from the very fabric of reality.

It pierces the veil of textbooks, delving into the essence of knowledge. This is the hallmark of visionary leaders, forged in the crucible of purpose.

Their journey is not merely a path, but a convergence of destiny and duty. They are the architects of a new dawn, crafting a world where humanity's potential is unleashed.

— Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Riding the Tempest: A Journey Beyond Adversity

Riding the Tempest: A Journey Beyond Adversity

Life's tempests will rage, testing your resolve. When the gales howl, battering your every step, draw on the depths within. For in the heart of the storm, lies the strength to persevere.

The wind may whip, but your spirit must remain unbroken. For every obstacle, find a way to overcome. The turbulence will subside, and the breeze will shift.

Then, with the wind at your back, stride forth with purpose. Let the momentum carry you forward, even when resources dwindle. The path behind may have been treacherous, but it prepared you for the journey ahead.

Money may not calm the tempests, but knowledge will chart your course. Wisdom is the compass that navigates life's fiercest gusts.

Embrace the turbulence, for it forges resilience. Welcome the trials, for they refine your character. The most grueling journeys make the subsequent ones manageable.

Keep moving forward, fueled by determination. Defy the odds, and when they align in your favor, seize the momentum.

This is your journey – against the wind and with it. Rise above the turmoil, and find triumph in the eye of the storm.

- Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Saturday 21 September 2024

The Psychology of Inner Strength: Cultivating Resilience Through Self-Awareness

 The Psychology of Inner Strength: Cultivating Resilience Through Self-Awareness

"We often mistakenly believe that wealth is the gateway to acquiring things of true value. However, the reality is that intrinsic value lies not in material possessions, but in the effort we invest in ourselves. It is the willingness to confront failure, to acknowledge our shortcomings, and to learn from our mistakes that truly enriches us."

"Honesty with oneself is the catalyst for psychological growth. By embracing our flaws and vulnerabilities, we liberate ourselves from the shackles of negativity that often accompany failure. This self-awareness is the foundation upon which we build resilience, perseverance, and ultimately, success."

"The journey to success is not a linear one; it is punctuated by twists and turns, ups and downs. But it is in navigating these challenges that we discover our inner strength, our capacity for adaptability, and our ability to innovate. The odds in life are not obstacles to be feared, but opportunities to be seized."

"By focusing on our psychological well-being, we cultivate a sense of purpose, direction, and fulfillment. We come to realize that true wealth lies not in external validation, but in the richness of our inner lives. The evens in life – the moments of triumph and joy – are not destinations, but milestones on a journey of continuous growth and self-discovery."

"Intrinsic value, therefore, is not something we acquire; it is something we cultivate. It is the fruit of our labor, the reward for our efforts, and the testament to our resilience. Let us not be deterred by failure, but rather, let us be empowered by the knowledge that every setback is an opportunity for growth, every mistake a lesson in disguise."

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen 

The Liberating Power of Purpose

 The Liberating Power of Purpose

"The relentless pursuit of wealth ensnares one in the allure of worldly frivolities, whereas the individual devoted to seeking solutions for humanity's betterment earns the world's admiration and attracts authentic fulfillment. It doesn't require profound intellect to grasp this truth; rather, it demands a keen observer's eye, attuned to the subtleties of the human psyche and the depths of emotional intelligence."

-Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Tuesday 3 September 2024

"Reflections of Refinement: The Compass of Self-Evaluation"


"Reflections of Refinement: The Compass of Self-Evaluation"

"Self-evaluation is the compass that navigates the journey of success, for it is in the introspective examination of our psychological, emotional, financial, and physical well-being that we confront the mirage of our own errors. It is through this courageous acknowledgment of our shortcomings that we embark on the incremental steps of progress, gradually refining our character, like silver purified in the crucible of self-reflection. By embracing this introspective process, we cultivate the humility to learn, the resilience to adapt, and the wisdom to ascend the ladder of achievement."

وليد بن محمد

Whalid ibn Muhammad

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

Sunday 1 September 2024

"The Pillars of Islamic Intellect"


"The Pillars of Islamic Intellect"

"The majestic edifice of Islamic intellect, exemplified by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and the luminaries of our past, was constructed upon seven pillars of wisdom:

Tawhid, the unity of existence in Allah's oneness;

Revelation, the Quran and Hadith's guidance;

Reason, the intellect's sharp blade;

Ijtihad, critical thinking's discerning eye;

Taqlid, the transmission of knowledge from the wise;

Ihsan, the pursuit of spiritual excellence;

Adab, the adherence to ethical principles.

These pillars upheld the grandeur of Islamic scholarship, enabling visionaries like Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Al-Khwarizmi, and Ibn Arabi to excel in the vast expanse of human knowledge, illuminating the world with the radiant light of Islamic wisdom."

وليد بن محمد

Whalid ibn Muhammad

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

The Eloquent Tongue: A Sacred Trust

 The Eloquent Tongue: A Sacred Trust "The Almighty bestowed upon humanity the gift of the pen, that our thoughts may flow like rivers, ...