

The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge

The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge
“The man in the quest of true knowledge is sharper than a sword and wiser than the pen that holds sacred the ink that flows from it” Whalid Safodien

Saturday, 21 September 2024

The Liberating Power of Purpose

 The Liberating Power of Purpose

"The relentless pursuit of wealth ensnares one in the allure of worldly frivolities, whereas the individual devoted to seeking solutions for humanity's betterment earns the world's admiration and attracts authentic fulfillment. It doesn't require profound intellect to grasp this truth; rather, it demands a keen observer's eye, attuned to the subtleties of the human psyche and the depths of emotional intelligence."

-Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

"When Time Stands Still: The Eternal Whisper of Allah's Will" Eid-ul-Adha is with Makkah

  "When Time Stands Still: The Eternal Whisper of Allah's Will" "As the seconds tick by, the minutes pass, and the hours ...