

The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge

The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge
“The man in the quest of true knowledge is sharper than a sword and wiser than the pen that holds sacred the ink that flows from it” Whalid Safodien

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Beyond the Critic's Laugh

 Beyond the Critic's Laugh

"The unseen critic's laughter seeks to diminish, but your smile can summon the light to expose their darkness. Shine bright, and let wisdom guide you."

-Whalid Safodien

"When Time Stands Still: The Eternal Whisper of Allah's Will" Eid-ul-Adha is with Makkah

  "When Time Stands Still: The Eternal Whisper of Allah's Will" "As the seconds tick by, the minutes pass, and the hours ...