Covid Fatwa (MJC)

Covid Fatwa (MJC)
Invalid Fatwa by the MJC based on evidence


The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge

The Man in the Quest of True Knowledge
“The man in the quest of true knowledge is sharper than a sword and wiser than the pen that holds sacred the ink that flows from it” Whalid Safodien

Sunday 21 July 2024

Oh majestic eagle, bird of prey

 Oh majestic eagle, bird of prey

Oh majestic eagle, bird of prey,

Your solo flight into the sky, a sight to sway,

My heart and soul, with awe and wonder, I gaze,

At your fearless form, riding the wind's gentle sway.

Your wings, a blur of power, a dance with the divine,

Unfettered by fear, you soar, a true marvel of design,

The lightning and thunder, a symphony to your flight,

A celestial display, a testament to Allah's delight.

Every night, I sit and pray, tears falling like the rain,

Grateful for the gift of life, and the Quran's sweet refrain,

The words of Allah s.w.t., a balm to my soul,

A reminder of the beauty, that makes my heart whole.

Oh eagle, you inspire me, to spread my wings and fly,

To soar beyond the storms, and touch the sky,

To feel the rush of wind, beneath my wings, and know,

The thrill of freedom, that only Allah s.w.t. can show.

Your feathers, a rustle of wisdom, a soft whisper in my ear,

Reminding me to stay steadfast, and banish all fear,

For you, oh eagle, are a symbol, of the strength and grace,

That Allah s.w.t. bestows upon us, in this sacred place.

So I'll write these words, a testament to your majesty,

A tribute to the beauty, that you bring to humanity,

May my pen be guided, by the light of Allah s.w.t.'s love,

And may my heart remain pure, like the driven snow above.

Oh eagle, you majestic bird, I honour your wings and feathers,

May you forever soar, on the winds of Allah s.w.t.'s breath,

And may I, a humble man, find solace in your flight,

And the Quran's sweet comfort, on this journey through the night.

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

The Holy Land, Where Prophets Lie in Rest

The Holy Land, Where Prophets Lie in Rest

"When the innocent blood is shed in the Holy Land, where prophets lie in rest, it is a stark reminder that those who perpetrate such atrocities have forsaken the very essence of faith. They do not truly believe in the God they claim to worship, but rather, they seek to supplant Him with their own ego. Theirs is a faith not rooted in truth, but in the fleeting allure of power and control. They are lost, bereft of the prophetic guidance, and ensnared by the very deceptions they seek to propagate. For to fear death more than one loves God is to invite the darkness of ignorance, and to surrender one's mind to the whims of the oppressor. But those who truly love God, who love Him with a love that is pure and unwavering, shall never be swayed by the falsehoods of the deceivers. Their minds are anchored in the truth, and their hearts are filled with the light of wisdom. They are the ones who will never surrender, who will never accept defeat, even in the face of overwhelming odds. For they know that their belief in Allah s.w.t. is unshakeable, and that their souls are forever anchored in the divine. This is the essence of being Muslim - a badge of honor that no amount of oppression can ever erase."

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

In the face of justice, let your heart and mind be like nature

 In the face of justice, let your heart and mind be like nature 

"In the face of justice, let your heart and mind be like nature - vast, untamed, and unrelenting. Just as the storms rage with fierce determination, so too must your pursuit of truth be unyielding. Like the thunder, let your voice be heard, shaking the foundations of oppression. And when the cool breeze whispers through the trees, let your compassion and empathy be stirred, reminding you that justice is not just a distant ideal, but a living, breathing entity that pulses through every fiber of our being. Let the sunlight illuminate your path, casting no shadows of doubt or fear. For just as nature is indifferent to the whims of humanity, so too must your quest for justice be unwavering, a force of nature that cannot be silenced or tamed."

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

The Glorious and Noble Quran

 The Glorious and Noble Quran

"The day we unlock the secrets of the Quran, we shall discover the keys to the universe, for within its sacred pages lies the essence of all sciences. The Quran is a self-explaining phenomenon, a divine revelation that illuminates the path to knowledge, guided by the gentle hand of Allah s.w.t. But alas, this treasure trove of wisdom is only accessible to those whose hearts are pure and minds are sound, for the mind is the sanctuary of reason and the heart is the throne of wisdom. As we delve into the depths of the Quran, we shall find that the jewel of knowledge is nestled within the recesses of our own minds, waiting to be polished and revealed in all its glory."

Whalid Safodien

The Feather Pen

The Eloquent Tongue: A Sacred Trust

 The Eloquent Tongue: A Sacred Trust "The Almighty bestowed upon humanity the gift of the pen, that our thoughts may flow like rivers, ...